He is God; I am not.

Content. Webster’s Dictionary defines the word content as this:

pleased and satisfied : not needing more;

What does Paul mean when he is writing the church of Philippi from prison? In Philippians 4:11 Paul says, “…I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.”  The word ‘learned’ from this verse, in the Greek perfect tense, implies a lesson resulting in better knowledge. The word ‘content’ is self-sufficiency that grows out of trust in Christ. Paul goes on in this chapter to tell the church that he knows what it is like to have little and to have much, but in any and all circumstances, he has learned the secret of being content.


Paul learned to be content when he had little? And when he had much? YES. But, Paul obviously was not content to begin with, otherwise he would not have had to learn how to be content. Which also means, at some point or another Paul went through a period of time when he had very little, as well as a period of time where he had very much. And we can assume that before he learned to be content in all circumstances, he was the exact opposite of that.


I’m like that too. There’s been times in my life where I have had little and times where I have had much. And if we’re being honest, I have found myself not being content in each of those situations. But just as Paul learned, so have I. Having little means nothing. Having much means nothing. Having Christ means everything. download (1)

Learning that neither having little or having much is not what makes me content has not been an easy or quick lesson. If anything, the Lord has allowed me to have little and to have much to show me that no matter what circumstance I am in, it all means NOTHING without Him. Without Him, I will NEVER be satisfied. Without Him, I will never be content. Because HE IS GOD and I AM NOT. Because of Him, I count EVERYTHING as a loss for the sake of KNOWING HIM, because to live is Christ and to die is gain.

In this season of my life, I am learning to be content in areas that I am not. I am learning that I must rely on Christ and trust Him in all areas. Not just the easy areas, but the hard areas too. I am learning that contentment comes from Him and Him alone, whether or not I have little or I have much. And I’m not speaking solely about material things. I’m speaking about relationships, future ministry opportunities, answers to questions I have, restoration of friendships, and just being content in where He has me right here, right now. I am learning that I can be content because He is God and I am not. I am learning that I can be content because for me, He will ALWAYS be enough.

Content: pleased and satisfied : not needing more; 

Am I pleased with Christ? Does He satisfy me? Does Christ meet all my needs so I need nothing more? Am I content in Christ?

You are God, I am not. I am learning to be content. I am learning to trust You in any and all circumstances. Lord, remove what I am looking to for contentment and be the ONLY thing that makes me content, because when I have nothing but  yet I have you, oh Lord I have everything.