The Raw Truth About Brokenness.

Your brokenness can become your greatest ministry.

Let’s talk about broken things for a minute.

Have you ever broken anything? A glass? A bowl? A bone? Anything breakable can work for this analogy so take your pick. For now, let’s stick with broken bone.

Before you break a bone, you know that your bones are not resistant to breaking right? You know that there is always a chance you could break a bone one way or another, but you try your best to be careful and take precaution so that they don’t break.

So, what if it breaks? What are some reasons bones break? Maybe because the bones are weak. Maybe because you put yourself in a situation or did something that caused it to break. Maybe you didn’t even have an effect on the break of your bone. Sometimes bones are breaking from car wrecks in which you didn’t even cause.

Okay, so now we have a broken bone. It hurts, it’s broken. It is now struggling to work as it used to even though it remembers how to work and how it felt to work properly. But you must acknowledge the brokenness of your bone, right? Otherwise, it could get worse or never heal.

What happens after you acknowledge the brokenness? From there, you go through the healing process, which typically takes time and requires medicine, therapy, a cast, etc. My point here is that multiple things are involved in the healing process that are for the benefit of the broken bone. Each thing being just as important as the other.

So, let’s say that you’ve gone through the healing process and your bone is healed. It will still be a little weak at first, right? You must be careful with it and stay away from things that could cause it to hurt again.

The same thing happens with brokenness in our life. We know that there will be hard things in life. We know we will go through inconvenience. We know that we will get hurt. We know that we will sin. We know that other people’s sins will affect us. We do what we can to take care of ourselves and stay strong in our walk with the Lord, but sometimes it’s so hard and we know we are not resistant to life’s hardships. So, we do get hurt. We are broken.

But your brokenness can become your greatest ministry.


We must acknowledge our brokenness. We must not sweep it under the rug or run from it.  The cool thing about being broken means that healing is around the corner. The cool thing about being the broken one is knowing THE HEALER. That doesn’t mean being broken or hurt is easy. That just means it’s worth it and something greater is coming.

You see, we are all going through something. We have all been hurt. We are all broken. Maybe this pain isn’t even self-inflicted. Maybe your broken because of the effects from someone else’s pain. But guess what? You aren’t alone.

We can start turning our pain into praise. The raw truth is this…the pain we go through is temporary. In Christ, the sufferings we go through are nothing in comparison to the glory we will experience with the Father in heaven. The raw truth is this…Jesus gladly takes on our pain and brokenness, so we don’t have to. The raw truth is this…our pain can reveal our purpose.

What wounds is God healing you from?

I challenge you to list them out.

I’m no longer ___________.

I am being healed from _________.

I am learning ___________.

I am grateful for _________.

Praise Him in the pain. Praise Him in the suffering. Praise Him in the brokenness. You’re not alone. He is holding you. He is healing you. He is with you. He is worthy. Thank you Jesus.


2 thoughts on “The Raw Truth About Brokenness.”

  1. Absolutely a wonderful perspective on difficult times and brokenness. Thank you for these words of truth. I am proud of you and grateful for you.


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