Joy is a Promise

It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog. Honestly, over the past few months since the last time I posted, the Lord has done such a work in me. I wanted to share with y’all in hopes that it will encourage you – in hopes that my life will point you to Jesus.

Let me start by saying this: Joy is a choice.

But, wait.

Joy is also a promise. 

I have been believing so many lies. I have been allowing my thoughts to wander into deep sorrow as I create scenarios in my mind about things that could go wrong. I have been worrying instead of worshiping.

This is a bad spot to be in y’all. As a result, I have been more prone to wander than I already am and I have not been able to love others the way Jesus has called me to. I have been so self-centered and I have attempted to turn to self-sufficiency. I have not been resting in the joy of the Lord.

As much as I have grown in my walk with the Lord since I surrendered my life to Him on February 6th, these past nine months have also been challenging. Honestly, those challenges have made me rely more on the grace and sufficiency of Jesus though. While Satan has been pounding at my heart and my mind, Jesus has been with me. Jesus has been fighting with me and for me. Jesus has been there in the moments I give up and give in. He’s also been there in the moments I don’t, the moments I choose to believe truth and live freely in it. That’s the beauty of Jesus.

The beauty of Jesus is that He promises joy even in those moments where joy seems like the last thing available to us. His joy makes us complete. His joy is not dependent on our circumstances. His character is not dependent on our choices. He is faithful even when we are faithless.

So what do I do in moments where I don’t feel joy? I ask for more of His presence. Because in His presence there is fullness of joy. He is joy. He makes us complete and whole. Why would I want anything else if Jesus PROMISES joy in ALL circumstances?

Joy is a choice, but it is also a promise.

Choose joy. Choose Jesus. Today. Tomorrow. Every moment.

He turns our brokenness and turns it into beauty. So, if you’re like me and it feels like some days you don’t have joy…know this: You have JESUS who is the GIVER of JOY and who is ENOUGH. He is TRUTH.

Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to take Him at His word;
Just to rest upon His promise;
Just to know, Thus saith the Lord.
Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him,
How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er,
Jesus, Jesus, Precious Jesus!
  O for grace to trust Him more.


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