Believing Who He Says He Is

Every time I begin my quiet time with God, I start off by telling God who He is before I thank Him for what He has done and before I bring my requests to Him. God, You are: sovereign, almighty, good, my Father, a provider, faithful, love, consistent, my peace, my comfort, satisfying, always with me, etc. . . 

And it’s true, God is all those things at all times; but at the end of the day do I really believe who He says He is?  Based on how I respond to my actions, my thoughts, my low of the day, my high of the day, and everything in between, will say a lot about who I really believe God to be.

Stay with me for a moment. 

If I mess up or if I fall back into a sin I’ve been struggling with, sometimes it’s really easy to tell myself, “Well, you’ve done it again. You’ve chosen what you want instead of what God wants. You’re too far gone now. He’s mad at you, He’s not going to forgive you again, He loves you less.” If something goes really  wrong
or if something negative happens during the day it’s really easy to tell myself, “Look, everything has been going so good for you. It’s been so easy for you. And now this? You really think He wants the best for you? If He did, this wouldn’t be happening.” If something really good happens or if everything is going great, it’s really easy to tell myself, “You’re fine! Everything is going great! You spent time with Jesus so much already, take a break. You can just do it some other time.”

When I think those things, I’m really degrading who Jesus really is. Since the month of May, the Lord has really been growing me to really see Him for who He truly is (instead of  believing He sees me like I see me). But here’s my point. JESUS DOES NOT SEE ME LIKE I SEE ME. Can I get an Amen?! How amazing is that?  Jesus is FORGIVENESS. Jesus is MORE THAN ENOUGH. Jesus LOVES ME. Jesus KNOWS Me. Jesus is not just better, but BEST. Jesus does not need me, but He WANTS ME. Does Jesus delight in my sin, my mess-ups, or the negative things that may happen in my life? Of course not. Does the Lord love for me to spend time with Him so I can know Him and make Him known? Very much so. But what I do or what I do not do, does not change His love for me. God is love and Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I am so thankful that even though it is a batdownloadtle every day to choose to listen to what I’m telling me or what Jesus is telling me, that I CAN HEAR THE VOICE OF GOD BECAUSE I KNOW GOD AND HE TALKS TO ME BECAUSE HE KNOWS ME. 

Jesus sees us and looks on us with compassion. Jesus is all those things (and more). God, You are: sovereign, almighty, good, my Father, a provider, faithful, love, consistent, my peace, my comfort, satisfying, always with me, etc. . .

Let’s not let what happens around us, who we see ourselves to be, who others see us to be, or anything for that matter affect who we really and truly believe Christ to be. Because He doesn’t see me like I see me. He is who He says He is. And He is God, and I am not. Will you believe He is who He says He is?