Small faith.

Oh, ye of little faith.

I get it. Everything around you is falling apart, or so you think it is anyways. I’ve been there. And sometimes I return there. It’s exhausting isn’t it? Your job is tiring, the relationships you have seem to be dwindling away, your bank account is shrinking mean while your weight isn’t. Maybe it’s none of that. Maybe you are struggling internally. Your mind is engaged in some serious spiritual warfare and no one knows about it but you. And you know Jesus already won the battle, but for some reason you are still fighting for victory instead of from it. Maybe your losing your family, either through death or to other things. Meanwhile, you’re just trying to keep your head above the water.

Sometimes it is so, so hard for us to have big faith in our big God when everything around us is screaming for our attention to be focused on the mountains in our lives. We start thinking about what we can do to fix it. “Maybe if I work more to get more money” or “maybe I start to do things to please people so they stay in my life.” “Maybe I should just suppress all of this anxiety and depression with more medication.” “I mean, maybe God will fix this, but I should just figure out a plan in case He doesn’t.”

Our faith seems small and weak compared to all of these mountains we are trying to climb over. But oh if we would remember how big our God is in comparison to our mountains. And oh if we could remember how good our God is to still even show up and move amidst our mustard seed sized faith.

Praise God that Jesus says in His Word in Matthew 17:20 that even if we have faith the size of a mustard seed, mountains will move. We’ve got to start remembering how big our God is before we start thinking about how big our mountain is. We’ve got to start believing that even when our faith is small, God still moves.

Let me pause here and say a few things I believe are important to remember in all of this.

1) I’m not trying to minimize whatever mountain you’re facing. Even Scripture says that we will face trials, the world will hate us, and that we will go through suffering. Scripture also says we should have joy through all of that and still trust Christ. What I’m saying is, Satan will do whatever he can to get us to focus more on our mountain instead of focusing more on our God. Satan is prowling around us, looking to deceive and devour us. He is out to steal, kill and destroy. And when we fall into Satan’s lies and traps and start focusing more on what we are going through instead of focusing more on Christ, we are headed for deep trouble.

2) Another thing I want to point out is that even when we focus more on Christ instead of our mountains, sometimes Satan deceives us by getting us to think that God will eventually make everything in our life exactly how we think our lives should be or turn out on other side of our mountain. Don’t get me wrong, God does work everything out for our eternal good and for His glory, but that does not mean that it all works out the way we want it to. And praise God for that because His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.

Whatever you are facing today, whatever you are walking through, whatever mountain your climbing. . . I encourage you to have faith, EVEN if it’s the size of a mustard seed. Keep trusting. Keep your eyes on Jesus. He is faithful and He will do it. Soon enough your faith will no longer be the size of a mustard seed, but it will be bigger than whatever mountain your facing.